Used Cooking Oil: A Climate-friendly Alternative Instead of a Health Risk - A New myclimate Project Film

A new project film shows myclimate's engagement in Bali. The collaboration between Caritas Switzerland, Kuoni and myclimate aims for converting used cooking oil into biodiesel.

Shooting day at the biodiesel processing plant.

<link - external-link>Sara Bühring</link> is a documentary filmmaker from Ticino now living in Bali. Various experiences have inspired her to work on a documentary about the life and environmental issues the holiday paradise is facing. The documetary also covers a project that myclimate realizes together with <link - external-link>Caritas Switzerland</link> with the support of <link - external-link>Kuoni Travel Ltd</link> . <link - external-link>A five-minute Take Out</link> offers impressive images and makes the quite complicated project tangible.

In the project "Biodiesel from waste oil in Bali, Indonesia" used cooking oil from hotels, restaurants and food stalls is collected and converted into biodiesel. The project contributes to better health and environment conditions for the people in Bali and reduces CO₂ emissions effectively.

myclimate managing director René Estermann visited the project in the summer of 2013. His on-site assessment is also part of the documentation as are statements of rice farmers or behind the scenes shots of hotel kitchens.

<link - external-link>myclimate on youtube</link>

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