Press releases

myclimate Launches First Climate Protection Label in German-Speaking World in Compliance with Paris Agreement

With the entry into force of the Paris Agreement, the private carbon market became subject to new rules, which are leading to greater international transparency in climate protection. These are designed to prevent emissions reductions being credited to more than one actor. However, there have been delays in the implementation of the mechanisms necessary for putting these into practice, meaning the acquisition of certificates of “climate neutrality” is currently not possible. In light of this, myclimate has pioneered an alternative approach and is the first non-profit climate protection organisation in the German-speaking world to launch a new impact label: “Engaged for Impact”. The new label is fully compliant with the amended framework conditions of the Paris Agreement and offers companies and private individuals a contemporary and, most importantly, immediately accessible alternative for voluntary climate protection – complete with the option to track funding contributions.  

Contact us!

Kathrin Dellantonio

Managing Director Switzerland, Co-Executive Director Foundation myclimate

+41 44 500 43 50

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