myclimate supports Jordahl in the creation of an EPD

For over 100 years, Jordahl has been considered one of the pioneers of fastening and reinforcement technology. Together with myclimate, the PohlCon manufacturing brand has created EPDs for three of its products and is making an important contribution to the implementation of the circular economy by promoting ecological transparency.


Founded in 1907, Jordahl today manufactures over 18,000 products that are used in demanding construction projects worldwide. In Germany, these products are distributed by PohlCon. The umbrella brand bundles the Jordahl range with that of H-BAU Technik and the PUK Group. This gives customers one contact for seven fields of application and ten different product categories.

Responsibility for the environment and the implementation of sustainability principles are firmly anchored in Jordahl's corporate philosophy. With EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations), the company now provides its customers with information on the quality and environmental impact of its products in an internationally standardised format.

«The disclosure of environmental information on our products is very important because it allows us to create a high level of ecological transparency for our PohlCon customers. EPDs are also increasingly requested by our customers as a source of evidence for ecological building balancing according to DGNB,» explains Maria Pörschmann, Product Manager at Jordahl.

For the implementation of the EPD, Jordahl worked closely with myclimate. The experts at myclimate Germany have specialised in the preparation and implementation of environmental product declarations (EPDs) for many years. myclimate reliably guides its clients through the entire process of EPD preparation and takes over the life cycle assessment calculation of the products.




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